License # 414001948 (Infants/Toddlers)
License # 414001947 (Preschool) |
AGES 6 Weeks - 5 Years Old
DAYS Monday - Friday HOURS 7:30am - 6:00pm Full Time Care Only SITE DIRECTOR Dedra McFarland ASST. DIRECTOR Mimi Casillas PHONE 650-226-3356 [email protected] |
Headline 0
Program Overview
Program Philosophy
- We believe children learn and master new skills through a variety of play experiences.
- We acknowledge children know how to learn, we are there to support their learning experience.
- We understand each child is unique and learns through different approaches.
- To nurture the whole child, we follow the fundamental principle that children are learning everywhere and all the time.
- We purposefully observe what the children are doing while considering their developmental level.
- We provide the children with the space and time to discover and develop their learning.
- We provide the children and youth with supportive and encouraging staff to assist.
Our Teachers
- Encourage curiosity and enthusiasm for learning
- Promote cooperative social interactions
- Support individual creativity and diversity
- Provide opportunities for children to use their growing bodies to develop a sense of autonomy and self-worth
- Enhance children’s play in the role as facilitator, guide, partners, and initiators.
- We believe in continual learning and improvement for our staff and programs.
Thoughtfully Designed Spaces
To Learn & Play
To Learn & Play
- Play is an active, child-initiated process that supports children’s learning
- Play assists us in offering quality programming, a commitment to provide an experience to enhance the development of each child’s whole self: creative, intellectual, physical, social, and emotional.
- Our program environments offer a rich variety of spaces, materials, and activities organized to promote children's active exploration and mastery.
- Classrooms may appear informal at times, however, they are the result of careful planning and structuring to ensure that the needs of each child are met in a supportive and nurturing way.
- Classrooms are specifically designed to provide a warm, intimate, and secure space for children to learn, explore, and develop at their own pace.
Daily Activities
- Children spend the majority of their day indoors and outdoors involved in a variety of activities:
- Creating one-of-a-kind art
- Block building
- Dramatic play
- Exploring science themes
- Music & Movement
- STEM and STEAM Activities
- Sorting and matching games
- Fine motor skills
- Listening to stories
- Engaging in movement activities and large motor play
- Problem Solving activities and situations
Infant-Toddler Program Information
- Ages 6 Weeks - 2 Years
- 3:1 Child to Adult Ratio
- We believe that a responsive relationship between the child and their caregivers/teachers is the basis for early care & learning. Nurturing relationships that meet needs the child’s needs is the foundation for children’s early emotional security.
- With infants, we work to provide an environment as home like as possible – warm and welcoming, cozy spaces, photos of family, and so on. In the classroom, infants develop intimate relationships with a stable caregiver. We believe in a family-oriented approach to infant toddler care and education. For infants and toddlers, the family’s influence on development and learning is paramount.
- Care giving activities such as feeding and diapering are warm, consistent, and individualized. These routines are viewed as opportunities for the infants to receive undivided adult attention and to promote language, self-awareness, and social skills. The infants' preexisting patterns for feeding and sleeping are respected and incorporated into the child's daily routine. Consistency in routines and schedules allow children to anticipate what is coming next, thus transitions are predictable
- We believe the child’s family and its culture and language are central in a child’s development and learning, and the relationships between the family and the child’s teachers are central to its success.
- We use the Teaching Pyramid (CSEFEL) to promote Social Emotional competence in children.
TODDLER-TWOS Program Information
- Ages 2-3
- 8:1 Child to Adult Ratio
- Our classroom environments offers a rich variety of spaces, material, and activities organized to promote children's active exploration and mastery.
- Although classrooms often appear informal, they are the result of careful planning and structuring to ensure that the needs of each child are met in a supportive and nurturing way.
- Our teachers encourage curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, promote cooperative social interactions, support individual creativity and diversity, and provide opportunities for children to use their growing bodies to develop a sense of autonomy and self-worth.
- We use the Teaching Pyramid (CSEFEL) to promote Social Emotional competence in children.
- We acknowledge children innately know how to learn by interacting with their social and physical environments.
- We believe children learn through play, exploration, and discovery. We have an integrated approach to our play-based curriculum, focusing on children’s development and emerging interests. Children spend the majority of their day involved in a variety of activities: art, block building, dramatic play, music, sorting and matching games, listening to stories, movement activities, science activities, and large motor play.
- We understand children have unique needs and capabilities and they learn at their own developmental timetable.
- We provide children with supportive and encouraging staff, striving to assist children in developing and maintaining a positive self-image and encourage children to take responsibility for themselves and their actions while learning social skills, such as problem solving and cooperation with others.
PreSCHOOL Program Information
- Ages 3+.
- 8:1 Child to Adult Ratio
- These multi-age groupings exemplify the Center's commitment to provide an experience to enhance the development of each child’s whole self: creative, intellectual, physical, social, and emotional.
- As each of these facets develops at different rates, the children seek activities and experiences that meet their individual needs.
- We use the Teaching Pyramid (CSEFEL) to promote Social Emotional competence in children.
- We acknowledge children innately know how to learn by interacting with their social and physical environments.
- We believe children learn through play, exploration, and discovery. We have an integrated approach to our play-based curriculum, focusing on children’s development and emerging interests.
- We understand children have unique needs and capabilities and they learn at their own developmental timetable.
- We provide children with supportive and encouraging staff, striving to assist children in developing and maintaining a positive self-image and encourage children to take responsibility for themselves and their actions while learning social skills, such as problem solving and cooperation with others.
- In addition, children with different knowledge and abilities stimulate one another's thinking and encourage pro-social behaviors amongst themselves.
- Most importantly, this enables families, children, and teachers the chance to build strong and consistent relationships with one another.
Enrollment & Program Availability
- Enrollment in Footsteps preschool programs is confirmed after a tour is completed and a space is offered by the site director.
- Once a space is offered, a link with the Adobe Sign enrollment packet link will be sent via email
- Enrollment is confirmed after enrollment forms are submitted and the $75 Registration fee and $500 deposit are charged
- In addition to the enrollment packet, a completed physician's report and up-to-date immunization record are required to attend the program
- Infant-Toddler Room (6 Weeks - 2 years old)
- Rolling enrollment throughout the year based on children aging out and moving to preschool room
- Priority is given to siblings of current Footsteps families, space is very limited and most families on the wait list will not get a space.
- Spaces are filled 2-4 months in advance in most cases
- Toddler-Twos Room Room (2 - 3 years old)
- Limited space available, most spaces are filled during summer months and a preference is for older children to balance with two years old coming from our toddler room.
- Most spaces will be filled from the wait list in early Spring
- Preschool Room (3 years old+)
- Nearly all of our preschool class graduates to kindergarten or TK each June and space in this room is often available into the mid/late summer to fall.