Mandarin Enrichment Language program is offered up to 3 times a week at several of the the Footsteps locations. Ying Li leads classes with the 4 preschools, TK/Kindergarten and 1st-5th graders at Cipriani, Nesbit & Shores.
Ying LI Frink,
Mandarin Director
学前班 Preschool
幼儿园 Kindergarten
NUMBERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 Yi Er San Si Wu Liu Qi Ba Jiu Shi
EVERYDAY LANGUAGE Good morning children! Good morning teacher Li! I like to learn Chinese. I can speak little bit Chinese. Here is how you say Thank You You’re Welcome Sorry, it’s okay 生活用语 小朋友们早上好,李老师,早上好。 我喜欢学中文,我会说一点点中文说的不好请指教,谢谢你,不客气,对不起没关系。
SHINGS TWO TIGERS 两只老虎,两只老虎, Liang zhi Lao hu. 跑的快,跑的快。 Pao de kuai. 一只没有耳朵 Yi zhi Mei you er duo 一只没有眼睛 Yi zhi Mei you yan jing 真奇怪,真奇怪。 Zhen qi guai.
LITTLE WHITE RABBIT 小白兔 小白兔 小白兔 白又白 两只耳朵竖起来 爱吃萝卜爱吃菜 蹦蹦跳跳真可爱
I LOVE MY FAMILY 我爱我的家 W ai w de jia. I love my family 我爱我的爸爸 W ai w de ba ba. I love my father 我爱我的妈妈 W ai w de ma ma. I love my mama 我爱我的哥哥 W ai w de ge ge. I love my older brother 我爱我的姐姐 W ai w de jie jie. I love my older sister 我爱我的家 W ai w de jia. I love my family 我爱我的弟弟 W ai w de di di. I love my younger brother 我爱我的妹妹 W ai w de mei mei. I love my younger sister 我爱我自己。 W ai w zi ji. I love my family
Where did my friend go? 我的朋友在哪里? Where did my friend go? 我的朋友在哪里? Over here, over here, my friend is over here. 在这里、在这里、我的朋友在这里。
Old Mr. Wang Has Land 王老先生有块地、咿呀咿呀哟,他在这里养小鸡、咿呀咿呀哟,这里鸡鸡鸡、那里鸡鸡鸡、 这里鸡、那里鸡、到处都在鸡鸡、王老先生有块地、咿呀咿呀哟。
The End 王老先生有块地.
一年级 1st Grade
Luo Dayou: Childhood 罗大佑:童年
On the banyan tree by the pond, I heard the sound of summer 池塘边的榕树上,知了在声声叫着夏天
On the swing by the bushes, only butterflies stop on it 草丛边的秋千上,只有蝴蝶停在上面
The teacher's chalk is still desperately writing on the blackboard 黑板上老师的粉笔还在拼命叽叽喳喳写个不停
Childhood waiting for school 等待着下课等待着放学等待游戏的童年
Welfare clubs have everything but no dimes in their pockets 福利社里面什么都有就是口袋里没有半毛钱
Who grabbed that sword, Zhuge Shiro and the Devil Party 诸葛四郎和魔鬼党到底谁抢到那支宝剑
Why did n’t the girl in the next class pass by my window? 隔壁班的那个女孩怎么还没经过我的窗前
The history in the mouth of the comic in my heart 嘴里的历史手里的漫画心里初恋的童年
I always have to wait till I go to bed to know that my homework is done a little bit 总是要等到睡觉前才知道功课只做了一点点
I always have to wait until the exam before I know I should n’t read any books 总是要等到考试后才知道该念的书都没有念
One inch of time, one inch of gold teacher said that it is difficult to buy an inch of time 一寸光阴一寸金老师说过寸金难买寸光阴
Childhood day after day 一天又一天一年又一年迷迷糊糊的童年
Luo Dayou: Childhood 罗大佑:童年
No one knows why the sun always goes to the side of the mountain 没有人知道为什么太阳总下到山的那一边
No one can tell me if there is a fairy living in the mountain 没有人能够告诉我山里面有没有住着神仙
How many weekday memories are always in a daze facing the sky alone 多少平日记忆总是一个人面对着天空发呆
So curious, so illusionary, so lonely, childhood 就这么好奇就这么幻想这么孤单的童年
Dragonflies fly over the green rice fields in the sun 阳光下蜻蜓飞过来一片片绿油油的稻田
Watercolor crayons and kaleidoscope can't draw the rainbow in the sky 水彩蜡笔和万花筒画不出天边那一条彩虹
When can I have a mature and grown up face like a senior student? 什么时候才能像高年级的同学有张成熟与长大的脸
Looking forward to the holidays looking forward to tomorrow looking forward to growing up childhood 盼望着假期盼望着明天盼望长大的童年
Day by day year after year looking forward to growing up childhood 一天又一天一年又一年盼望长大的童年
Day by day year after year looking forward to growing up childhood 一天又一天一年又一年盼望长大的童年
二年级及以上 2nd Grade and Older
Learning Chinese Characters with Play dough (VIDEOS)